Meet Dr. Morgan Wade

Dr. Morgan grew up in Lexington, SC and graduated from Lexington High School. Dr. Wade attended school at the University of South Carolina where she graduated Summa Cum Laude earning a Bachelor of Science in Public Health. During the Summer of her junior year Dr. Morgan lived in the Dominican Republic and worked with Kids Alive International. 

Following the University of South Carolina, Dr. Morgan headed to Charleston where she attended the Medical University of South Carolina earning her Doctorate of Dental Medicine. While at MUSC, Dr. Morgan traveled to Ecuador and Peru with Dental Community Fellowship. She also served on the leadership committee for Dental Community Fellowship during her 4 years of school. 

One of Dr. Morgan’s biggest privileges and passions is getting to be a mom to her daughter. Dr. Morgan strives to bring the same care she would show her daughter to each and every patient. She enjoys connecting with fellow parents/guardians and showing them the same care and respect she receives from those in her life that love and care for her.

Dr. Morgan is married to her high school sweetheart, Conner. In August of 2022 they welcomed their beautiful baby girl. Their family is looking forward to planting roots in the upstate. In their free time you can find the Wades exploring the outdoors, hosting friends and family and playing with their dog, Harbor. 

happy kid
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